One week left in France

After months of stress, setbacks and delays we've finally exchanged contracts on our new house in Eastbourne.It's been a very stressful experience. The whole thing was on the verge of falling through several times and despite trying not to think too much about the new house, we had really set our hearts on it and didn't have any alternative if it fell through. We are so relieved now everything is certain and we can really start to think about our new home.

Now we have just over a week left in France. So much to do but things seem to be coming together. We've sold our French car (for more than we thought we would get) and bought a new car online which will be waiting for us when we arrive. We have made a good start on packing, booked a removal firm, booked flights and have everything pretty much planned out.

Jo will take the children to Leeds on the 1st September for a week while I get everything moved and try to get as much decorating done in the new house as possible. We should all be together again in our new house on the 8th September.

In terms of my running, I've just found out that I've got a last minute place in the Abingdon Marathon. So I'm stepping up the training on top of everything else. I managed a solid 20 mile run on Sunday having done nothing more than 13 miles in the last few months. It was a big step up in distance but I felt good. I'm really excited by the prospect of meeting, and training with, my new clubs (Hailsham Harriers and Bodyworks XTC). I think some new people to train with will do me a lot of good (especially with inspiration from the likes of Olly Freeman and IMUK winner Yvette Grice).

We will certainly be sad to leave France and we will miss our morning swims and so many other things, but we are really excited now to start our new life in Eastbourne.

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RT @UKuncut: Cameron in Pakistan: "rich people there arn't paying much tax, that's not fair" #ukuncut
05/04/2011 12:44:10
#ff here's one for all the #triathlon fans out there. #thriathlete @todd_leckie who we hope will be competing at London 2012 #olympics
25/03/2011 09:45:29
Can't wait for my new specialized stumpjumper HT mountain bike to arrive next week.
20/10/2010 16:06:48
A new Challenge race in the UK mid September next year! Would it be too much to do this and IMUK next year?
21/09/2010 19:18:53
Thinking about main race targets for next year. How does this sound?... London marathon, Ironman UK and South Downs Way 100 mile (run).
16/08/2010 19:33:36

Hey, check out Mat's
personal best times...

5 km 00:17:49
5 miles 00:28:54
10 km 00:36:58
10 miles 01:03:28
half marathon 01:20:37
30 km 02:04:01
marathon 02:59:55
54 miles 08:50:55 (L2B)
100 km 11:35:53
100 miles 20:42:36
145 miles 42:06:00 (GUCR)
24 hours 181.1 km (track)

Olympic Tri 02:18:34
Half Ironman 05:04:21
Ironman Tri 10:49:39